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Percy Jackson Olympians pays tribute Lance Reddick

Percy Jackson and the Olympians pays tribute to late star Lance Reddick in final episode, with a touching black card.

The hit series Percy Jackson and the Olympians has paid a touching tribute to its late star, Lance Reddick. Reddick, who portrayed Zeus in the series, passed away at the age of 60 in 2023, making his appearance on the show one of his final TV roles. In the final episode of the series' eight-episode arc on Disney+, a black card with the words "In loving memory of Lance Reddick" was included as a heartfelt tribute to the late actor.

After Reddick's passing, author Rick Riordan penned a moving tribute to the actor, expressing the difficulty of working on scenes with Reddick and mourning the loss of his brilliance. Riordan also expressed gratitude for being able to share Reddick's final performance with his fans and reflected on the impact of his artistry. He concluded by choosing to believe that Reddick's larger-than-life presence will never truly be gone.

Riordan has also shared an update on the potential second season of the series, hinting that it may be based on the second book in the series, The Sea of Monsters. While the green light for a second season has not been officially confirmed, Riordan remains optimistic, citing the overwhelmingly positive reactions to the show and encouraging fans to continue streaming it to show their support.

Overall, the tribute to Lance Reddick in Percy Jackson and the Olympians serves as a poignant reminder of the actor's talent and the impact he had on the series. As the show continues to garner attention and support, fans eagerly anticipate the possibility of a second season that will further honor Reddick's legacy.

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