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Donald Glover: "I'm too old to be Spider-Man now"

Donald Glover's long history with Spider-Man includes a recent cameo, but he says he's too old to play Spidey.

Donald Glover has a rich history with the Spider-Man franchise, dating back to 2010 when he and his fans campaigned online to get him an audition for The Amazing Spider-Man. Although the role ultimately went to Andrew Garfield, Glover has made his mark in the Spider-Verse, appearing as Miles Morales' uncle Aaron in Spider-Man: Homecoming and Across the Spider-Verse. While Glover acknowledges that he may be "too old" to play Spidey himself, he wouldn't be surprised if he's called upon to join the Spider-Verse again.

During a Lie Detector Test with his Mr. & Mrs. Smith costar Maya Erskine, Glover was asked if he thought his recent Spider-Verse cameo was Sony's way of apologizing for not casting him as Spider-Man. He laughed and dismissed the idea, suggesting that a live-action Miles Morales film is more likely, and he may be considered for the role of Prowler. Glover also made a brief live-action appearance in Across the Spider-Verse, where his version of Prowler is seen imprisoned, creating a full-circle moment for the actor who previously voiced Miles in the Ultimate Spider-Man series.

It's clear that Glover has a strong connection to the Spider-Man universe, and his contributions to the franchise have not gone unnoticed. With his unique blend of talent and familiarity with the character, Glover's future involvement in the Spider-Verse is something fans can eagerly anticipate.

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