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Larry David Curb Your Enthusiasm final season bittersweet ride

Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 12 is the final season. Larry David is back with 10 more episodes of hilarious social awkwardness.

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Let's face it, we all have a little bit of Larry David in us. The master curmudgeon and former co-creator of Seinfeld has been sharing his social grievances on TV since his 1999 HBO special Larry David: Curb Your Enthusiasm. And while you may not agree with all of Larry's stances, there are probably times when you find yourself thinking, "You know what... he's kind of right on this one."

Larry David has spoken about the end of Curb Your Enthusiasm, the largely-improvised show that's shot in a style that feels like you're in the room with your grumpy but fun rich friend. The upcoming Season 12, coming 25 years after the show first aired, is being touted as the end of Curb. "Twelve seasons - that's a lot for a television show - over 24 years. It was time," David told Variety at the season's premiere. "Yeah, I said it before. But I wasn't 76 when I said it."

Despite being 76, David looks almost exactly the same as when the show launched and has the same energy on and off the show. Curb Your Enthusiasm could continue indefinitely if it were up to the fans. However, we're glad that David gets to end the long-running show on his own terms, and that we get 10 more chances to laugh along with him, whether we agree with his antics or not.

Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 12 episodes will air on HBO on Sunday nights at 10:00 PM EST and will be available to stream on Max. The first episode is now available to stream, and there are nine more weeks of Larry David's socially-awkward feuds and encounters until Curb Your Enthusiasm comes to an end.

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