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Brittany Mahomes featured in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition as Hot Football Wife

Patrick Mahomes' wife poses for Sports Illustrated, sparking controversy and attention ahead of the May Swimsuit Edition publication.

The latest buzz in the sports world is that Patrick Mahomes' wife, Brittany, has recently posed for the renowned sports magazine, Sports Illustrated. Now, before we dive into this, let's make a promise to ourselves to keep it respectful and not body shame anyone. We're all about positivity here!

So, we all know Patrick Mahomes, the star quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs. And let's be real, he's been criticized in the past for not having the most chiseled physique. But hey, he's still an incredible athlete. However, it seems that the "dad bod" doesn't run in the Mahomes family, as evidenced by Brittany's stunning photos in Sports Illustrated.

Now, let's address the elephant in the room. Yes, Brittany Mahomes is drop-dead gorgeous. And yes, she's married to a football superstar. But let's not hate on her for gracing the pages of Sports Illustrated. If she were in the magazine under a different name, there probably wouldn't be any backlash. And let's not forget, she's not just a swimsuit model, she's also a well-known personality and friend of none other than Taylor Swift.

It's undeniable that Brittany is as stunning as any other model who's appeared in Sports Illustrated. And can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that she's achieved "MILF" status at the young age of 28, after having two children? Let's give credit where credit is due. It's no easy feat to bounce back after childbirth, so let's show some love and respect.

Now, if you're eager to catch a glimpse of Brittany's photos before the official release in May, TMZ has got you covered. But let's remember to appreciate the hard work and dedication it takes to be featured in such a prestigious publication. And most importantly, let's spread positivity and encouragement, both on and off the field.

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