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American Idol fans predict replacement for Katy Perry

American Idol fans are convinced they know who will replace Katy Perry as a judge after season 22, with Jennifer Lopez leading.

American Idol fans are already speculating on who will replace Katy Perry as a judge for season 22 after she announced her departure from the popular singing competition series. Social media has been buzzing with guesses as to who will join Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan on the judging panel, with many wondering who will be able to fill Perry's shoes as the highest paid American Idol judge.

One name that has been gaining traction online is Jennifer Lopez, who previously appeared as a judge on American Idol back in 2010. Fans have been expressing their desire to see her return to the show, praising her for giving great advice and being less kooky than Perry. With Perry's reported salary of $25 million per season, it's clear that the network will have to find a performer of the same caliber, or an even bigger household name to take her place.

Lopez has spoken about her experience on American Idol, crediting the show for helping her relearn her value as an artist. She admitted that she felt she needed to work on her acting, singing, and dancing more, and that the show gave her a sense of purpose. After making her judging debut on season 10, she returned for multiple seasons, and it marked her first big job following the birth of her twins.

Perry announced her departure from American Idol during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, revealing that she felt it was time to move on and feel the pulse of America. She had reportedly been planning her exit from the show since last year, feeling that producers were purposefully editing her to look like the 'nasty judge.' This announcement has left fans and viewers wondering who will fill her role and what the future of American Idol holds.

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