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Shaquille O'Neal Reveals Backstory Behind Backboard Breaking Dunk

Shaquille O'Neal holds the record for the most broken backboards in the NBA, revealing the backstory behind one iconic dunk.

Shaquille O'Neal is known for his incredible strength and power on the basketball court, and one of his most unique records is the number of backboards he has broken during his career. In his book, Shaq Uncut, O'Neal shared the story behind one of his most iconic dunks, which occurred during a one-on-one game with Ahmad Rashad.

Rashad was challenging O'Neal to show off his best moves, and O'Neal, being the mammoth of a player that he is, took the challenge head-on. He blew past Rashad and dunked the ball with such force that the entire backboard shattered, knocking O'Neal to the ground. Despite the shock and concern from those present, O'Neal emerged unscathed, showcasing his incredible strength and dominance on the court.

This incident was just the beginning of O'Neal's reputation for breaking backboards. Throughout his career, he has broken numerous backboards in gyms around the country, and even managed to bring down a rim during a game against the Phoenix Suns in 1992. This feat was so astonishing that the NBA had to reinforce their rims to make them "shatter-proof" in response.

In a 2021 interview on 'The Tonight Show', O'Neal revealed that he has broken about 10 backboards during his career, and even had a shot clock fall on his head at one point. Despite his retirement from playing, O'Neal continues to be a larger-than-life figure in the basketball world, often critiquing the new generation of centers for their perceived lack of physicality and toughness.

O'Neal's legacy as a dominant force on the court is undeniable, and his record-breaking backboard dunks will forever be a part of basketball history. As he continues to search for an "heir" to his throne of backboards, O'Neal's impact on the game and his larger-than-life persona will continue to be felt for generations to come.

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