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Nikola Jokic and Luka Doncic prank and posterize Steph Curry at All-Star Game

Nikola Jokic and Luka Doncic had a blast at the All-Star Game, joking around and pulling pranks on their teammates.

Nikola Jokic and Luka Doncic brought some comedic relief to the All-Star Game in Indianapolis, showcasing their playful dynamic during the pre-game warmups and throughout the game. The two close friends from Serbia and Slovenia entertained themselves and their teammates with their lighthearted antics, including Jokic dunking on Steph Curry with a little help from Doncic.

Their playful banter continued during the game, with Jokic jokingly criticizing Doncic's skills and engaging in light-hearted interactions with his fellow players. This marked a departure from Jokic's usual reserved demeanor, as he embraced the opportunity to connect with his peers and share in the camaraderie of the All-Star Game.

Jokic's comfort and humor were evident throughout the game, as he interacted with his teammates and even playfully teased Curry about the dunk. His relaxed and chatty nature was a stark contrast to his usual stoic presence, and he expressed his enjoyment of the experience and the opportunity to engage with other players in a more casual setting.

Overall, Jokic's playful antics and humorous interactions with his fellow All-Stars added an element of fun and camaraderie to the game, showcasing his ability to connect with others and share in the lighthearted spirit of the event. His willingness to engage with his peers and embrace the playful side of the game highlighted his sense of humor and his enjoyment of the All-Star experience.

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