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Last Week Tonight John Oliver surprising YouTube delay

HBO delays Last Week Tonight segments on YouTube to drive subscribers to Max. John Oliver isn't happy. Subscribe for early access.

Fans of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver who are used to watching segments on YouTube the day after the show airs will have to adjust to a new schedule. HBO has decided to delay posting the show's highlights on YouTube in an effort to drive more viewers to their streaming service, Max.

The 11th season of the popular comedy broadcast, which covers politics and current events, premiered on HBO recently. However, according to THR, the show's segments were not available on YouTube the following Monday as they usually are.

A spokesperson from HBO explained that the decision to delay posting the show's highlights on YouTube is part of a strategy to encourage fans to watch the full episode on Max. This approach aims to attract more subscribers to the streaming service.

John Oliver himself expressed his disappointment with the new schedule in a post, stating that he hopes HBO will reconsider their decision. Previously, fans could expect to see highlights on YouTube the day after the show aired, but now they will have to wait a few days.

With over 9 million subscribers on YouTube and millions of views for each segment, Last Week Tonight has a large online following. However, HBO is banking on the fact that the allure of seeing the show sooner will prompt more fans to subscribe to Max.

In conclusion, fans of Last Week Tonight who are eager to watch the show's segments on YouTube will need to adjust to a new schedule. HBO's decision to delay posting the highlights is part of a larger strategy to drive more viewers to their streaming service, Max. John Oliver has expressed his hope that the previous schedule will be reinstated, but for now, fans who want to see the show sooner may need to consider subscribing to Max.

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