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National Margarita Day 2024: Spirit.Ed's Roundup

"National Margarita Day is here, and we've rounded up some unique cocktail options to celebrate this delicious and iconic drink!"

When it comes to cocktails, the margarita is one that I typically associate with the warmer months. Tequila and citrus just seem to go hand in hand, creating a refreshing and delicious drink that is perfect for sipping on a hot summer day. However, National Margarita Day (Feb. 22) is a time to celebrate this classic cocktail, even if the weather is still a bit chilly in some parts of the country. So, in honor of this special day, I've put together a roundup of some fantastic margarita options for you to try.

The history of the margarita is a bit murky, with several different origin stories floating around. However, most historians believe that its earliest influence can be traced back to the brandy daisy, a cocktail made with brandy, citrus, and liqueur. Bartenders in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were known for their experimental approach to creating new drinks, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact origins of the margarita.

One thing that everyone can agree on, though, is that margaritas are absolutely delicious, especially when they are made with the perfect balance of ingredients. The classic recipe calls for blanco tequila, triple sec, and lime juice, with the option of a salted or sugared rim. While I may not be a fan of the rim, I can certainly understand the appeal for others.

In this National Margarita Day roundup, I've included a variety of cocktails that put a unique spin on the classic margarita, including some options that don't even use tequila (which may ruffle the feathers of purists). However, I wanted to showcase a diverse range of brands and cocktails that offer something different from the norm. I hope you find a new favorite among them.

So, here's to a happy National Margarita Day! I'll be raising a glass from my corner of the world, and I hope you'll join me in celebrating this beloved cocktail. Cheers!

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