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Meghan Trainor talks about youngest son Barry testing her desire for more kids

Meghan Trainor praises husband Daryl Sabara as a supportive "king" in navigating parenthood challenges with their two children.

Meghan Trainor shared how her husband, Daryl Sabara, has been a tremendous support system for her as they navigate the challenges of parenthood together. She described Sabara as a "king" and praised his ability to bring a smile to their children's faces with just a glance.

While Trainor acknowledged that parenting their second child, Barry, has presented some unique challenges compared to their first child, Riley, she expressed gratitude for the journey. She humorously shared how Riley was an easy baby, leading her to consider having more children, but Barry has been a different experience with more crying and tummy troubles.

Despite the ups and downs of parenting, Trainor finds joy in being a full-fledged soccer mom, complete with blankets and a soccer mom hat. She lovingly recounted how Riley runs to them for a hug every time he scores a goal, highlighting the special moments of parenthood.

As Trainor prepares for her upcoming headlining tour and the release of her new album, "Timeless," she is grateful for the advice she received from Kelly Clarkson about balancing motherhood and touring. Clarkson encouraged Trainor to prioritize self-care and rest while on the road, emphasizing the importance of delegating responsibilities to her husband to alleviate any feelings of guilt.

Overall, Trainor's journey through parenthood is filled with laughter, challenges, and unwavering support from her husband, making the experience all the more rewarding. With Sabara by her side, Trainor faces each day with a smile, ready to tackle whatever comes their way as a team.

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