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Kendrick Perkins praises culture as Knicks lose Game 3 - The SportsRush

Kendrick Perkins unwaveringly supports the New York Knicks through playoffs, gaining fanbase backing despite recent setbacks, building hype around the franchise.

Since the start of the playoffs this year, Kendrick Perkins has been making waves as a vocal supporter of the New York Knicks. Despite facing numerous challenges, the sports analyst has stood firm in his support, earning the unwavering backing of the fanbase. Notably, Perk has not wavered in his beliefs even after a recent setback, generating even more excitement around the team.

The spotlight was on the Knicks during their recent second-round Game 3 against the Indiana Pacers. Missing key players like OG Anunoby, Mitchell Robinson, and Julius Randle due to injuries, the team entered Indiana as the underdogs. Despite a valiant effort, they narrowly lost to the Pacers with a score of 106-111.

However, this defeat did not shake Perkins' support for the team. On the contrary, their display of teamwork and resilience only fueled his optimism for the future. He took to X (formerly Twitter) to call out the doubters and express his confidence in the Knicks.

Even after the disappointing loss, the 39-year-old remained unfazed, stating that the result was in line with his expectations. He boldly predicted a Knicks victory in the series, saying, "Knicks in 6".

Perkins' unwavering support through thick and thin is commendable, especially considering the Knicks' impressive performance on the court. Their unique dynamics have added an exciting twist to the playoff drama.

In a recent discussion on First Take, Perkins defended the Knicks and praised their players, staff, and culture. He took to X to reiterate his support for the team, emphasizing the need to appreciate their achievements rather than criticize them.

Perkins firmly believes that the Knicks' success stems from their strong synergy as an organization. Now, it is up to the team to prove him right and continue their impressive campaign.

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