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Stevie Nicks St. Louis Enterprise Center Enchanting Performance Review Glide Magazine

Stevie Nicks delivers emotional performance in St. Louis, honoring Fleetwood Mac's Christine McVie, Tom Petty, and Ukraine. Timeless music lives on.

Stevie Nicks took the stage at Enterprise Center in St. Louis on May 7th, belting out the timeless lyrics of "Leather and Lace" from her solo debut album in 1981. Although Don Henley was not there to join her, her vocal coach Steve Real filled in admirably, showcasing his impressive talent. The emotional ballad resonated with the audience, as Nicks sang about vulnerability and strength, reminding us that we all have moments of weakness.

Throughout the night, Nicks flawlessly performed songs from her extensive catalog, both solo and with Fleetwood Mac. Her iconic twirls in her shawls during songs like "Bella Donna" and "Stand Back" added an extra layer of magic to the performance. Nicks shared personal anecdotes, reflecting on her journey from humble beginnings to international stardom, and the struggles that came with it.

One poignant moment came when Nicks dedicated her performance of "Soldier's Angel" to the people of Ukraine, displaying the colors of the Ukrainian flag on the screen behind her. As she paid tribute to her late bandmate Christine McVie throughout the show, it was evident that McVie's spirit lived on in Nicks' heart. The encore performance of Tom Petty's "Free Fallin'" served as a heartfelt tribute to the legendary musician.

As the concert came to a close with the classic "Landslide," Nicks reflected on the passage of time and the inevitability of change. The song's poignant lyrics resonated with the audience, reminding us of the bittersweet nature of life's transitions. Nicks' powerful vocals and heartfelt storytelling left a lasting impact on all who attended, with McVie's "Got a Hold On Me" playing as a fitting send-off.

In the end, Stevie Nicks' performance was a testament to her enduring talent and the timeless appeal of her music. As the audience left the arena, they carried with them the memories of a magical evening, filled with music, emotion, and the enduring spirit of rock 'n' roll.

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