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Explained: Vladimir Putin's Reason for Changing Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu

Sergei Shoigu, Russia's longest-serving defence minister, replaced after criticism over Ukraine assault and corruption accusations against deputy, impacting reputation.

Sergei Shoigu, the long-serving defense minister of Russia, is being replaced amidst criticism of his handling of the assault on Ukraine and recent corruption allegations against one of his deputies. Shoigu, a close friend of Vladimir Putin, led Moscow's offensive in Ukraine but faced backlash for his actions. The late Wagner mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin publicly criticized Shoigu, accusing him of incompetence and sparking a feud within the Russian military.

Despite recent military successes, Shoigu's reputation has suffered, with even Putin showing apparent disdain towards him in public appearances. Shoigu, who has held top government positions since the early 1990s, has been a political survivor in post-Soviet Russia. Hailing from southern Siberia, he became emergency situations minister in 1994 and later served as governor of the Moscow region before being appointed defense minister in 2012.

Known for his unflappable demeanor and popularity among Russians, Shoigu oversaw military operations in Syria and received numerous decorations for his service. However, the failed offensive in Ukraine raised doubts about his future, with Putin distancing himself from Shoigu in public appearances. Despite his decades-long political career, Shoigu's legacy is now clouded by controversy and criticism.

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