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Rory McIlroy Erica Stoll divorce 'respectful' approach sought

Rory McIlroy seeks smooth divorce from Erica Stoll after seven years of marriage. Prenup details undisclosed. PGA Championship ahead.

Rory McIlroy is aiming for a smooth transition as he navigates his divorce from Erica Stoll. The professional golfer's representative stated that he is focused on ensuring that this challenging time is handled with respect and civility. McIlroy, who is 35 years old and originally from Ireland, officially filed for divorce from Stoll, who is 36, after being married for seven years. The court documents confirmed that McIlroy cited the irretrievable breakdown of their marriage and mentioned that they had a prenuptial agreement in place, although the specifics of the agreement were not disclosed.

It is interesting to note that McIlroy's attorney, Thomas J. Sasser, has previously represented Tiger Woods during his high-profile divorce from Elin Nordegren. McIlroy and Stoll first met in 2012 at the Ryder Cup, where Stoll was working as a PGA transport official. At the time, McIlroy was in a relationship with tennis star Caroline Wozniacki. However, he ended his engagement to Wozniacki and began dating Stoll shortly thereafter. The couple eventually got married in a lavish ceremony at Ashford Castle in Ireland, attended by celebrities like Stevie Wonder, Niall Horan, Ed Sheeran, and Chris Martin.

Their relationship blossomed, and they welcomed their daughter, Poppy, in 2020. In his divorce filing, McIlroy requested shared parental responsibility for their daughter and asked for a parenting plan to be established on both a temporary and final basis. The timing of the divorce filing is notable, as it comes just before McIlroy is scheduled to compete in the PGA Championship, where he is considered a top contender for the Wanamaker Trophy. Despite the personal challenges he is facing, McIlroy remains focused on his professional career and is determined to handle his divorce with grace and dignity.

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