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YouTube CEO Neal Mohan: Company Leading Entertainment; Creator Takeovers Surge Post DoorDash Campaign With Travis & Jason Kelce's 'New Heights'

YouTube viewers are loyal fans, creators deserve Emmys, and YouTube is a growing platform for marketers. New initiatives unveiled at Brandcast.

During a recent presentation at Brandcast, Mohan emphasized the importance of recognizing creators as the new Hollywood, highlighting their impact on audiences and the entertainment industry. He called for Emmy voters and rulemakers to acknowledge the contributions of creators and award them accordingly. Mohan stated that creators are reshaping traditional TV genres and introducing new ones, showcasing their business strategies, writers' rooms, and production teams.

YouTube has experienced a significant increase in viewership on living room screens, with a 130% growth in the past three years. This growth has made YouTube a valuable platform for marketers targeting living room audiences. Brandcast, which was traditionally held during the NewFronts, was moved to broadcast upfront week, alongside Amazon and Netflix.

Mary Ellen Coe, YouTube's Chief Business Officer, announced new initiatives at Brandcast, including the expansion of "creator takeovers" in the YouTube Select category. This initiative allows advertisers to collaborate with creators and have full control over their channel, providing a unique opportunity to engage with audiences. Coe highlighted a successful trial of the takeovers by DoorDash on the podcast New Heights, featuring NFL brothers Travis and Jason Kelce.

The partnership with the Kelce brothers resulted in increased viewership for New Heights, showcasing the potential of creator collaborations for advertisers. The takeover option, introduced as a pilot in 2023, offers advertisers the chance to connect with audiences through creators and establish a strong presence on their channel. This shift towards recognizing creators as influential figures in the entertainment industry reflects the changing landscape of content creation and distribution.

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