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AOC criticizes John Fetterman for clash with MTG

Ocasio-Cortez criticizes Fetterman for mocking her argument with Greene, calling out racism and misogyny. He apologizes for comparing House to Jerry Springer.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York criticized Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania for mocking her altercation with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia at a House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing.

Fetterman took to social media to compare the House of Representatives to the Jerry Springer Show, later apologizing to the show for the comparison. Ocasio-Cortez responded by accusing Fetterman of misunderstanding racism and misogyny and standing up to bullies, rather than becoming one herself.

The clash between Ocasio-Cortez and Greene took place during the House Oversight Hearing, where members were discussing a resolution to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress. Greene brought up the daughter of Judge Juan Merchan, who is involved in Trump's business records trial, questioning if any Democratic colleagues were employing her.

Rep. Jasmine Crockett questioned the relevance of Greene's comments to the hearing, leading to a heated exchange between her and Greene, with the latter making personal remarks about Crockett's appearance. Ocasio-Cortez intervened, defending Crockett and calling for Greene's comments to be retracted.

The confrontation escalated, with Greene making condescending remarks towards Ocasio-Cortez, who stood her ground and demanded an apology. Despite Greene retracting her words, Ocasio-Cortez continued to call for an apology, leading to further exchanges between the two representatives.

The incident highlighted tensions within Congress and the need for respectful discourse among members. The clash serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing issues of racism, misogyny, and bullying in political debates.

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