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5 Colorado Avalanche players to possibly not return next season featuring Jonathan Drouin

Colorado Avalanche may not bring back five players next season: Jonathan Drouin, Andrew Cogliano, Jack Johnson, Sean Walker, and Brandon Duhaime.

The Colorado Avalanche's 2023-2024 season came to a heartbreaking end with a 2-1 double overtime loss to the Dallas Stars. As they face their offseason, the Avs must make tough decisions about their roster.

Five players who may not return next season include Jonathan Drouin, who had a productive year but may have priced himself out of Colorado. Andrew Cogliano, a key depth player, may be replaced by a younger prospect. Jack Johnson, a veteran defenseman, could be phased out in favor of other options like Caleb Jones. Sean Walker, a reliable defensive player, may seek a multi-year deal that the Avs are not willing to commit to. Brandon Duhaime, despite being a solid bottom-six option, may not justify his $1.1 million cap hit based on his postseason performance.

These potential departures could shake up the Avs' roster for the upcoming season. It will be interesting to see how the team navigates these decisions and fills any gaps left by these players.

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