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Alice Stewart, CNN political commentator, dead at 58

Republican political adviser and CNN commentator Alice Stewart, 58, found dead in Virginia. Colleagues mourn loss of Emmy-winning journalist.

Alice Stewart, a prominent CNN commentator and experienced political adviser with a history of working on various Republican campaigns, tragically passed away at the age of 58, as announced by the network over the weekend.

Law enforcement authorities discovered Stewart's body outdoors in a neighborhood in northern Virginia on Saturday, with initial reports suggesting that her death was likely the result of a medical emergency rather than foul play, according to CNN.

Stewart began her career as a local reporter before transitioning to become a contributor for CNN in 2016. Throughout her career, she worked with a number of notable Republican figures, including former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Sen. Rick Santorum, and most recently serving as the communications director for Sen. Ted Cruz's 2016 presidential campaign.

CNN CEO Mark Thompson expressed his condolences to the network's staff, describing Stewart as a "political veteran" and an Emmy Award-winning journalist who brought a unique perspective to CNN's coverage. He highlighted her political expertise and unwavering kindness, emphasizing the profound impact of her loss on the network.

Born in Atlanta in 1966, Stewart was actively involved in the senior advisory committee at the Institute of Politics at Harvard University's Kennedy School and co-hosted a podcast titled "Hot Mics from Left to Right" alongside fellow CNN commentator Maria Cardona. Her last appearance on CNN was on "The Situation Room" with anchor Wolf Blitzer the day before her passing.

Blitzer reflected on Stewart's contributions to the network, noting that her insights and analysis always left viewers more informed. Colleagues and friends, including Jake Tapper and David Axelrod, expressed their sorrow and paid tribute to Stewart's intelligence, kindness, and professionalism, underscoring the profound impact she had on those around her.

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