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Father murdered Israeli hostage Shani Louk relieved body returns home

State department condemns settlers stopping aid trucks. Video on Twitter sparks outrage. Heavy clashes and bombardment in Rafah as Israel presses assault against Hamas militants.

The State Department strongly condemns the actions of settlers attempting to block aid trucks, as a video circulates on Twitter showcasing the incident. Over the weekend, Rafah experienced intense clashes and bombardment as Israel continued its assault against Hamas militants, forcing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to flee the city.

The Israeli military reported targeting over 70 locations in the Gaza Strip with air raids, while ground troops conducted precise raids in eastern Rafah, resulting in the deaths of 50 militants and the discovery of numerous tunnel shafts. In response, Hamas's armed wing, the Ezzedine Al-Qassam Brigades, launched rockets towards Ashkelon and aimed at an Israeli command center in the Jabalia refugee camp.

The situation in Rafah has escalated, with ongoing fighting between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants. Israel's incursion into the area has exacerbated an already dire humanitarian crisis, as relief supplies struggle to reach the region due to closed or limited capacity land crossings. The United States has facilitated aid delivery through a temporary floating pier, but the United Nations and humanitarian organizations emphasize the necessity of land convoys to prevent a looming famine.

The European Union has urged Israel to expand aid deliveries by land and to open additional crossings to facilitate humanitarian assistance. The Rafah crossing, a crucial entry point for aid, has been closed since the start of Israel's operation in the city. The conflict, which began after Hamas's attack on Israel in October, has resulted in significant casualties on both sides, with civilians bearing the brunt of the violence.

Israeli forces are determined to defeat remaining Hamas elements in Rafah, prompting a mass exodus of residents from the city. The situation is fluid, with troops advancing and retreating in various areas of Rafah. The international community, including the United States and Egypt, is engaged in diplomatic efforts to mediate a resolution to the conflict and prevent further escalation.

In northern Gaza, airstrikes near a hospital have raised concerns about the availability of medical supplies and the capacity to treat casualties. The World Health Organization has not received any medical supplies since the start of the Rafah operation, exacerbating an already strained healthcare system.

As the conflict continues, senior officials from the United States and Israel are engaging in talks to address the crisis. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is set to meet with key regional leaders to discuss potential solutions and de-escalation strategies. Meanwhile, Israel has targeted senior Islamic Jihad militants in separate airstrikes, underscoring the complex and volatile nature of the conflict in the region.

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