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Barbecue News & Breaking Stories

Labor Day: The Significance and Reason We Celebrate
  • 4th Sep 2023

Labor Day: The Significance and Reason We Celebrate

Labor Day, which is often associated with sales and barbecues, actually has its roots in the 19th-century fight for fair working conditions. It was originally designed to honor workers and their contributions to society. The holiday evolved over time and became less associated with unions, and the rule against wearing white after Labor Day has largely disappeared.

When is Labor Day 2023 in the US?
  • 28th Aug 2023

When is Labor Day 2023 in the US?

Labor Day 2023 marks the end of summer and celebrates workers' contributions. Enjoy the long weekend with family and friends!

Spectacular Fireworks Display: A Celebration in Red, White, and Boom
  • 4th Jul 2023

Spectacular Fireworks Display: A Celebration in Red, White, and Boom

Port Royal, South Carolina, is hosting a daylong Independence Day celebration this year. The event will feature food trucks, live entertainment, and fireworks. The festivities will begin at noon at Sands Beach and will include food vendors, a beer wagon, and live music. The fireworks will start around 9 p.m. and last approximately 30 minutes. The town is also offering golf cart shuttles to transport people from the parking area to the beach. Another event in Beaufort, South Carolina, is the HELP of Beaufort 5K Firecracker Run, which will take place in downtown Beaufort at 8 a.m. on July 4. The race is pet and stroller friendly, and participants can register online or in person on the day of the race. Additionally, the 14th annual Salute From The Shore flyover will take place on July 4, starting in Cherry Grove, South Carolina, and ending in Beaufort County. Spectators can watch the flyover from various locations along the Beaufort County coast.

What news can we find under Barbecue News Section?

Are you a grillmaster searching for the latest news updates on everything barbecue? Or perhaps just someone who savors every juicy bite of smoky, grilled goodness and wants to stay informed about this sizzling world? Well, buddy, you've come to the right place. What exactly can we find under the scintillating topic of 'Barbecue' in the news content? There's an exciting mix I must say!

First off - New Recipes and Techniques. Barbecue doesn't always mean your simple ribs or burgers cooking over hot coals. Ever heard of beer-butt chicken or smoked mackerel with spicy mayonnaise – intriguing isn’t it like a good suspense novel. News folks strive to bring unique recipes from diverse cultures; Vietnamese barbecue prawns might be making waves next week, who knows?

Dashing into our second category with their aprons fluttering are - Chef Features. Aha! Ready yourself for behind-the-grill glimpses & intriguing insights from renowned chefs around the globe. How do top pitmasters achieve that perfect caramelized layer on ribs or maintain flavor balance hinting at smoke subtly without overpowering meat taste? Yes-yes chef secrets unveiled!

Scooting along comes - Gadgets & Gear Reviews. All’s fair in love and BBQ-ing! Every season unravels newer tools enhancing outdoor grilling experience – ‘smart grills’, talking wireless thermometers etc., News stories centered around these would ease buying decisions.

Last but not least, Events and Competitions. Are there any tantalizing BBQ festivals happening nearby where one could immerse in barbecued delights till they drop? Is Kansas City taking up its ‘BBQ Capital Of The World’ mantle again hosting global competitors sparring spatulas over smoky pits?

Certainly keeps us hooked onto this divine dance between fire meets food realm—such is life under the wide flaming umbrella of 'Barbecue' news!

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