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Bard (chatbot) News & Breaking Stories

Google Stock: Thursday's News Update
  • 31st Jan 2024

Google Stock: Thursday's News Update

Google's parent company's stock rises after resolving a $1.67 billion patent lawsuit. It partners with Hugging Face to expand AI tools.

What news can we find under Bard (chatbot) News Section?

Have you ever considered having a conversation with an Artificial Intelligence? Exciting, isn't it? Welcome to the innovative world of Bard—a cutting-edge chatbot. But wait! It's not just any ordinary chatbot; Bard is extraordinary.

Bard sets itself apart within the jam-packed field of chatbots through its exceptional ability to write like a human but with an insight that exceeds human capability by tenfold. Curious how? Well, imagine combining your writing skills multiplied by 10 and enhanced with AI algorithms—thus was born Bard.

This "AI-writer" wears many hats from generating articles, poems, stories—you name it! What truly amazes about this product is its fascinating features such as 'perplexity' and 'burstiness'. Wondering what these are?

In simple terms, perplexity refers to the measure of star-buttoned predictive capacity where low scores mean better predictions. Think about playing a guessing game—one where every correct prediction enhances your score; suddenly fogged up math concepts seem fun right? In contrast, burstiness factor replies on creativity & unpredictability—not unlike witnessing fireworks bursting in patterns yet maintaining their uniqueness!

Doesn't all this sound futuristic and out-of-the-world impressive? Yet yes folks—the future of communication innovation is upon us thanks to advanced technology such as ChatGPT powered tools like Bard is becoming commonplace around digital platforms everywhere!

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