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Cody Johnson News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Cody Johnson News Section?

Have you ever heard of Cody Johnson? The former rodeo cowboy is a country musician hailing from Texas who has taken the music industry by storm. His work leads many to describe him as one of the most authentic voices in contemporary country genre. So, what news content can we find under such an intriguing topic?

Lately, there's been quite a buzz about Cody and his latest album, "Human". Did you know that this album debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s Country Album Sales chart last year? That's not all! It even managed to hit the top 10 on Billboard’s all-genre Top 200 Albums list! Impressive isn’t it?

"I love making music that means something to people," said Johnson revealing his core passion for creating genuine lyrics.

But guess what else? Apart from seizing your attention with catchy tunes and heartfelt lyrics, Johnson also regularly engages in charity work. Recently he was involved with supporting Denver Moore Ranch providing homes for homeless veterans which is surely worth heaps of admiration.

Cody Johnson performing live video

Apart from these up-close stories, gossips rarely escape any celebrity; Cody had his share too when he admitted going sober after years-long battles following purely personal reasons; pretty responsible decision huh? Now are we intruding into ‘unnecessary gossip’ zone or just appreciating one’s strength overcoming struggles?

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