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Fortnite News & Breaking Stories

  • 20th Sep 2023

"Claim Your Share of $245 Million Fortnite Refund, FTC Announces; Step-by-Step Guide to File a Claim"

Fortnite players who made unwanted purchases can now apply for a refund as part of a $520 million settlement with Epic Games. The Federal Trade Commission has started notifying 37 million people who may be eligible for a refund. The settlement was reached in 2022 after allegations that Epic used deceptive practices and violated children's privacy laws. Consumers have until January 17, 2024, to submit a claim. The refund amount will depend on the number of claims filed. Epic Games has implemented measures to prevent unintended purchases.

What news can we find under Fortnite News Section?

Cracking The Code on Fortnite's Latest Buzz

Hey there, fellow gamers and news hounds! Have you been wondering what's brewing in the universe of Fortnite? Well, let me tell you; this gaming giant never sleeps, and neither does its stream of updates, leaks, and community gossip that keep us all clicking for more.

'What kind of scoops can we unearth under the topic of Fortnite?', I hear you ask. Hold onto your headsets because it's not just about who snagged the Victory Royale after a heart-pumping build battle anymore!

New Features That Make You Go 'Whoa'

Innovative features and gameplay tweaks? Absolutely! The world-renowned Epic Games is always cooking up something that rejigs the way we play or even think about playing. From gravity-defying items to fresh ways to embrace the chaos with friends (or soon-to-be rivals), these nuggets are absolute crowd-pleasers.

Skins That Turn Heads

The latest skins?, Oh yes—because fashion meets function when we talk costumes in Fortnite. Whether it’s collaborations with pop culture icons or seasonal specialties making our avatars spooktacularly ready for Halloween bash - each character release is more than just a trendsetter hitting ‘the lobby runway’ – they're fodder for meme machines too!

Tournament Tattle And Competitive Clash Chatter

Gone are days when pro-tournaments were but a distant dream in battle royales – now competitive play gossips are front-page royalty. Who’s leading whom? What team flubbed their strategies? How did that underdog clinch an epic win against all odds? Tournaments stories excite both fans and aspirants alike with every skirmish recounted like mythic battles of yore.

LTM Lowdowns And Perplexing Puzzles

Fond of those one-off game modes aka Limited Time Modes (LTM)? Say no more! These quicksilver changes bring buzz aplenty as players scramble to adapt or miss out - truly 'blink-and-you-miss-it' style excitement. Then there’s secret challenges hidden everywhere triggering hunts ripe for theory-crafting brain teasers within the community detective squads.

So next time you find yourself scrolling endlessly through social feeds seeking your Fortnite fix, remember—the game offers a galaxy worth exploring beyond mere gameplay prowess. Land at any discussion spot online; be assured there’s plenty keeping chatrooms ablaze across platforms till even long after your last Battle Bus drop fades away into dawn's early light. Do buckle up because in Fortnite land—today’s whispers could easily become tomorrow's headline-grabbing shout-outs!

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