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Hashmatullah Shahidi News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Hashmatullah Shahidi News Section?

Let's have a conversation about Hashmatullah Shahidi, shall we? Often referred to as the beacon of Afghan cricket, Hashmatullah is a distinct personality in the realm of international cricket. To truly appreciate his brilliance, you've got to delve deeper into his journey.

Born on 4 November 1995, Hashmatullah hails from Logar province in Afghanistan. He made significant strides as an impervious left-handed batsman who can keep one end tight while scoring at a steady rate. Are you feeling intrigued already?

In recent news, everyone is talking about his promotion to captaincy! In May 2021, splashing across headlines was Shahidi's elevation as the skipper of Afghanistan's Test and ODI sides. Now that’s something, isn't it?

This development coincided with another milestone achievement - him becoming the first player from ‘The Land of Pashtuns’ to hit double century in Tests. You see what I mean when I say he’s not just any player; he defies norms and makes history!

Evidently persistent like an ocean wave carving cliffs into sandstone sculptures over time – try wrapping your head around that metaphor! His praiseworthy resilience sure seems inspirational owing to an incident where he dismissed retiring hurt despite being struck by a bouncer during World Cup match.*

If you’re seeking stats and performance metrics: Well sit tight for some numbers! As per official figures till June ‘21 — this champ has played more than 90 intl matches (across formats) & accumulated over 2500 runs.@ Not bad right? Will be fascinating observing how these statistics transform over time under Captain strode.

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