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LaNisha Cole News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under LaNisha Cole News Section?

You're curious about LaNisha Cole, aren't you? Well, so many people are. The world of entertainment is filled with intrigue and fascination that keeps us captivated - full of artists like our very own Ms. Cole. So let's unravel the enigmatic tapestry woven around this wonderful personality.

Audiences mainly know LaNisha Cole as a talented model and actress. Isn't it amazing how some individuals can skillfully don multiple hats? Quite like an octopus juggling seashells under water!

Born on February 12, 1982 in Pasadena California, her journey towards stardom started when she rose to prominence as a model for The Price Is Right, remember that popular American game show? It was almost synonymous with daytime TV! That was where we first saw her light up our screens each day with grace and charm.

Then came 'Deal or No Deal'. (You do recall that thrilling NBC hit sensation where one must choose wisely or face disappointment? It's more than just picking suitcases!) Here again, LaNisha won hearts over by flawlessly performing the role of suitcase number #15 girl starting from season three till four.

But did you know she also proved her mettle in acting? She graced music videos such as Pharrell Williams' "Frontin'"and managed to sparkle even amidst big stars! So when people say dynamics change; I would reply 'look at LaNisha!'. From holding price tags to capturing imaginations on screen—her diverse accomplishments truly make your jaw drop much like those unexpected plot twists we never see coming!
To wrap things up - if you’re starved for news content regarding LaNisha Cole: model turned actress who has crossed new frontiers seamlessly – trust me there’s plenty out there waiting for you!

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