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Nutrition News & Breaking Stories

  • 14th Jul 2023

"WHO Claims Aspartame, an Artificial Sweetener, Possibly Linked to Cancer; Guidelines Unaltered"

The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified aspartame as "possibly carcinogenic to humans" due to limited evidence showing a potential link between aspartame and liver cancer. However, the WHO's Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) found the association between aspartame consumption and cancer in humans unconvincing and did not change the acceptable daily intake of 40 mg/kg per body weight. The WHO is advising moderation and suggests drinking water instead. The US FDA disagrees with the WHO's conclusion, stating that aspartame has been heavily studied and is safe.

What news can we find under Nutrition News Section?

A Cornucopia of Knowledge: Exploring News Content Under the Topic Nutrition

Let's dive into a world that affects all our lives, yet often goes overlooked - nutrition. But what kind of content can we find under this broad umbrella? Well, it's like strolling through an endless supermarket aisle except each product on the shelf gives you a new perspective and not just another brand version of diced tomatoes!

Nutrition news often covers numerous exciting studies conducted by top-tier universities right across the globe – Think Harvard offering insights into the long-term health impacts of eating plant-based diets or Cambridge exploring gut microbiome diversity! Whisked together like ingredients in a zesty Greek salad.

Then there are journalistic analyses making sense of food policies and landmark decisions. Remember how Mayor Bloomberg tried to ban giant-sized sugary drinks in New York City to combat obesity?

Cool hacks flowing from registered dieticians might take your fancy—Eager for tips to supercharge your morning smoothie with extra fibers? Ever wondered what Olympians eat before their big events? This granola bowl is filled with such fascinating expert-guided snapshots!

The world-renowned chefs also make their entry here as they share recipes combining healthy with tasty ─ who said nutritious meals have to be boring right?

Likewise, interviews featuring athletes' testimonies regarding their nutritional secrets add tangy oranges to our 'nutrition news fruit punch.' Discover Serena Williams' go-to pre-match meal or Usain Bolt’s power-packed diet!

In essence, it seems that “nutrition” isn’t merely another news category; instead, its stories impact us daily at both individual and societal levels. So why not give this aisle your attention next time while surfing about global warming or quantum physics?

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