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Santa Clara County, California News & Breaking Stories

Kaiser strike: thousands sent to picket line
  • 4th Oct 2023

Kaiser strike: thousands sent to picket line

Tens of thousands of healthcare workers have gone on strike at Kaiser Permanente hospitals in four US states over wages and staffing shortages. Picketing began on Wednesday at hospitals in California, Colorado, Oregon, and southwest Washington. The Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions is seeking a 25% raise over four years and a $25-per-hour minimum wage for all workers across the US, while Kaiser has offered a 13%-16% raise over four years and a $23 minimum wage for California workers. The contracts for 75,000 nurses, ER techs, respiratory therapists, dietary workers, and home health aides expired on 30 September.

What news can we find under Santa Clara County, California News Section?

Discovering News Content in Santa Clara County, California Isn't it fascinating how local news can offer such a diverse and rich perspective of the world around us? Well, come with me on this journey as I take you through the myriad shades of life in Santa Clara County, California.

You may ask—what's there to find in local news? Here's a simple answer: plenty! Especially for an area as flamboyant and eclectic as Santa Clara. Let's delve deeper!

Santa Clara’s Technological Landscape

Housing Silicon Valley, do you think the heartland of American technology might have some breakthrough stories? Of course! Tech companies from Apple to Netflix call this county home; hence news regarding cutting-edge innovations, latest product launches or industry trends frequently makes headlines.

Local Politics & Policies

The pulse of a community often beats within its political scene. Stay updated about your government representatives' decisions - zoning ordinances, school district changes or new taxes – quite literally everything that shapes your daily life directly.'

Cultural Chronicles

"What about our culture?" I hear you ask. Fear not my friend — events at cultural landmarks like The Triton Museum of Art or Cupertino Historical Society are vibrant threads that weave together the social fabric here.

Lifestyle Segment:

Surprisingly refreshing pieces ranging from outdoor activities available in Alum Rock Park to nature’s bloom at Japanese Friendship Garden fill up Santa Clara lifestyle pages ensuring locals know what their place has got best!

Fascinating Crime Stories:

We always hope no crime ever happens but let's be honest—we're gripped by those riveting tales when they occur.

Isn’t it amazing how much we can learn from looking into our own backyard via local news? Get involved with what’s happening where yourself live—it just might enrich your understanding and appreciation for Santa Clara County, giving increased meaning to 'home sweet home'. Isn't that worth exploring?

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