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Jokić and Antetokounmpo from Europe demonstrate the art of becoming a well-rounded superstar to America

Nikola Jokić and Giannis Antetokounmpo challenge traditional perspectives on success in sports.

Denver Nuggets' point-center Nikola Jokić, a renowned superstar and two-time league MVP, recently made a surprising statement regarding basketball's role in his life. He claimed that basketball is not the main focus of his life and probably never will be. This sentiment, coming from a player on the verge of his first NBA finals victory, goes against the expectations we have for NBA superstars. However, Jokić possesses a rare quality that sets him apart from his peers – perspective.

The topic of perspective in the world of sports, and how much athletes should have, has sparked a heated debate. This discussion gained momentum during the NBA postseason when Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks shared his thoughts after his team's unexpected early exit from the playoffs. When asked if he considered the season a failure, given the high expectations placed on the team, Antetokounmpo responded by questioning the notion of failure in sports. He emphasized that there are good days and bad days, and winning is not the only measure of success.

While some appreciated Antetokounmpo's ability to see the bigger picture, others were outraged by his lack of embarrassment over the team's performance. The prevailing belief is that athletes should be solely focused on winning and willing to sacrifice everything to achieve their goals. Legendary players like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant were known for their obsession with winning, often at the expense of personal relationships. The idea that success can be achieved through a different approach challenges the traditional mindset of NBA superstars.

Jokić and Antetokounmpo, in addition to sharing similar accomplishments and priorities, also come from humble backgrounds in European countries. Europeans tend to have a healthier work-life balance compared to Americans, as evidenced by studies showing that Americans work significantly more hours per year. Moreover, American culture emphasizes an individualistic, win-at-all-costs mentality that is not as prevalent in other parts of the world. As basketball continues to globalize, the attitudes and approaches of its stars are becoming less traditionally American.

Interestingly, while society has made progress in prioritizing mental health, athletes are often criticized for prioritizing their own emotional well-being. The same perspective that allows them to prioritize mental wellness is mocked and ridiculed. We are in a time where our understanding of what male athletes, and men in general, should be is evolving. However, some still hold onto outdated expectations of elite athletes.

Historically, fans have wanted their athletes to be superhuman – impervious to pain and unaffected by emotional highs and lows. The belief was that if they were vulnerable, they would be just like us, working regular jobs. It may be challenging for some to accept that athletes are simply a combination of skill, talent, and luck. Their success does not make them superhuman, nor does it mean that sports should consume their entire lives.

In a recent interview with JJ Redick, Victor Wembanyama, another promising European basketball player, echoed the sentiments of Jokić and Antetokounmpo. When asked how he stays grounded, Wembanyama emphasized that basketball is just a part of a bigger picture – accomplishing oneself within the universe. He spoke about finding motivation and energy beyond the court, highlighting the importance of life outside of basketball.

Whether fans like it or not, the future of sports is evolving. Along with it, our outdated expectations of athletes and men are also changing. Players like Jokić, Antetokounmpo, and Wembanyama represent this future – global, forward-thinking, and grounded. As they continue to dominate the league, it will become undeniable that there is more than one path to victory.

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