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Novak Djokovic showcases ''23'' on his white tennis shoes during Wimbledon

Novak Djokovic could add to his 23 Grand Slam titles.

Novak Djokovic, the seven-time Wimbledon champion, is on the verge of making history. With 23 Grand Slam singles titles under his belt, he could potentially add to that total and equal the overall record of Margaret Court if he emerges victorious on Sunday. Djokovic, sporting white tennis shoes with the number "23" printed on the heel, is prepared to update them to reflect his new milestone.

In a recent interview, Djokovic expressed his nonchalant attitude towards the potential change. "Well, obviously if it happens in less than a week's time that I reach the 24, then we'll have to use the 24, I guess," he said. "It's not going to be a big problem to do that." His focus, however, remains on the tournament at hand and making the most out of his current performance.

Djokovic's journey to the quarterfinals was not without its challenges. He faced Hubert Hurkacz in a match that began on Sunday and stretched into Monday. Despite a tough fight from his opponent, Djokovic emerged victorious with a 7-6 (6), 7-6 (6), 5-7, 6-4 win. His next hurdle will be Andrey Rublev as he vies for a spot in the semifinals.

Having recently clinched his 23rd major title at the French Open, Djokovic acknowledges the significance of his achievement. "I think it's cool," he remarked. "It's nice to mark the achievement, historic achievement, in this way." Surpassing tennis legends Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, Djokovic now shares the same number of major titles as Serena Williams. However, if he secures the title on Sunday, he will join Margaret Court in the record books.

While Djokovic is undoubtedly proud of his accomplishments, his focus remains on the present moment. "I'm very proud of the achievement, obviously," he stated. "But I'm already with my thoughts on this tournament and trying to make the most out of it."

In conclusion, Novak Djokovic stands on the precipice of history as he seeks to add to his impressive collection of Grand Slam singles titles. With his sights set on the Wimbledon title, he remains determined to make the most of his current tournament performance. As he continues to rewrite the record books, Djokovic's legacy in the world of tennis is solidified with each passing victory.

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