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Elon Musk Shares Reasons Behind Twitter Transformation: Official Account Switched to X

Elon Musk explains why he rebranded Twitter to X, citing the need for freedom of speech and to accelerate the release of the X app. The official Twitter account has been changed to X, along with other renamed accounts. Musk believes X will become the most valuable brand on Earth.

The recent days have been abuzz with Elon Musk's surprising decision to rebrand Twitter as X. Opinions on this move have flooded the internet, leaving many wondering why Musk made this choice. Thankfully, Musk himself has provided an explanation.

According to Musk, the rebranding of Twitter to X is more than just a simple name change. It was driven by two key reasons. Firstly, Musk wanted to ensure freedom of speech on the platform. Secondly, he aimed to expedite the release of X, an all-encompassing app.

Musk elaborated on the reasoning behind the name change. He stated that the name "Twitter" was fitting when the platform had a character limit of 140. However, with the ability to post longer videos and more diverse content, the name no longer made sense. Musk envisions X as a platform that offers comprehensive communication and the ability to manage one's entire financial world.

Despite the risk associated with rebranding such a well-established platform, Musk remains confident. In fact, he boldly declared that X will become the most valuable brand on Earth.

As the rebranding process unfolds, official Twitter accounts are being changed to reflect the new name. The main Twitter account, @twitter, has been transformed into @x. Other accounts, such as XBlue, XBusiness, XEng (engineering), XSpaces, and XDevelopers, have also undergone name changes. The only exception is the "TwitterMovies" account, which remains unchanged for undisclosed reasons.

It's worth noting that the owner of the "X" account has been moved to "x12345678998765," although it is unclear whether any compensation was involved in this transition.

Overall, the rebranding of Twitter to X is a bold move that has sparked both excitement and skepticism. However, with Musk's unwavering confidence, it will be fascinating to see how X shapes the future of social media and communication.

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