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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wife separation

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, have announced their separation after 18 years of marriage. The couple made the decision after "meaningful and difficult conversations" and have signed a legal separation agreement. They have three children together and have requested privacy. Trudeau is the second Canadian prime minister to announce a separation while in office.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, have announced their separation after 18 years of marriage. The decision was made after numerous meaningful and difficult conversations, as stated in their Instagram posts. The prime minister's office confirmed that they have signed a legal separation agreement.

Justin Trudeau, a 51-year-old political figure from a renowned Canadian family, assumed office in 2015. Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, 48, is a former model and TV host. The couple tied the knot in 2005 and brought a sense of glamour to the prime minister's office, even appearing in Vogue magazine.

They have three children together: Xavier (15), Ella-Grace (14), and Hadrien (9). Despite their separation, both Trudeau and Gregoire Trudeau expressed their commitment to remaining a close family with deep love and respect for one another. They emphasized their dedication to continuing to build a life together.

According to an official familiar with the matter, joint custody is expected, and Trudeau will continue to reside at Rideau Cottage in Ottawa, his home since 2015. The children will primarily live with him to maintain stability. Gregoire Trudeau has moved to a separate Ottawa home but will spend time at Rideau Cottage, especially when Trudeau is traveling.

In recent years, Gregoire Trudeau has taken on a less visible role, rarely accompanying the prime minister on official trips. However, they were seen together at Canada Day events in Ottawa last month. The statement from Trudeau's office assured that they are focused on raising their children in a safe, loving, and collaborative environment.

Justin Trudeau and Sophie Gregoire first met as children when Gregoire Trudeau was classmates with Trudeau's youngest brother, Michel. They reconnected as adults while co-hosting a charity gala in 2003. Trudeau is the second Canadian prime minister to announce a separation while in office. His parents, Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Trudeau, separated in 1979 and divorced in 1984 during his father's final year as prime minister.

Trudeau initially captured attention and support due to his resemblance to his liberal icon father when he won office in 2015. However, scandals, voter fatigue, and economic challenges have impacted his popularity after eight years in power. Despite this, just a few months ago, Trudeau shared a heartfelt anniversary message on Instagram, expressing his love for Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and their adventurous journey together.

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