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Tori Spelling Kids Money Struggles: RV Stay [Pics]

'Love Is Blind's Nick Thompson Opens Up About Fighting Homelessness Amid Mold Infection Struggle'

In a recent interview, Love Is Blind star Nick Thompson opened up about his fight against homelessness. Thompson revealed that he has been struggling financially and has had difficulty finding a place to stay due to his financial situation. Despite these challenges, Thompson is determined to make things work and take care of his kids.

Thompson, who is 50 years old, was spotted staying at a campground in Ventura County, California. He was accompanied by his five children - Liam, Stella, Hattie, Finn, and Beau - whom he shares with his ex, Dean McDermott. Although Thompson is staying in an RV with his kids, it is more of a mini vacation rather than a permanent living situation.

This situation comes after Thompson shared with fans that he had returned to urgent care with his two youngest children, Finn and Beau, due to a "continual spiral of sickness." It was later discovered that their home had a severe mold infection, which was causing their health issues. Thompson expressed his frustration and concern for his children's well-being in a heartfelt social media post.

Thompson also revealed that the home they were renting had been labeled a health hazard, and they were advised to vacate the premises. He and McDermott, who were still together at the time, were working on finding a new place to live. However, a month after Thompson's update, the couple announced their separation after 17 years together.

Despite their separation, Thompson and McDermott are committed to co-parenting their children and have been seen celebrating their daughter's birthday together. They are trying to move forward amicably and prioritize the well-being of their kids.

Thompson's story sheds light on the financial struggles and challenges faced by many individuals, including celebrities. It serves as a reminder that anyone can experience hardship and that it is important to support and empathize with those going through difficult times.

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