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"Jamie Foxx Apologizes to Jewish Community for Controversial Post"

Jamie Foxx apologizes for Instagram post referencing Jesus, which was accused of antisemitism. Jennifer Aniston denies liking the post.

Jamie Foxx has issued an apology after a controversial Instagram post referencing Jesus sparked accusations of antisemitism. The Oscar winner took to social media on August 4th to write, "THEY KILLED THIS DUDE JESUS... WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY'LL DO TO YOU???! #fakefriends #fakelove." However, following a backlash, Foxx deleted the post and released a statement expressing remorse.

In his apology, Foxx acknowledged the offense caused by his choice of words. He wrote on his Instagram page on August 5th, "I want to apologize to the Jewish community and everyone who was offended by my post. I now know my choice of words have caused offense and I'm sorry. That was never my intent." Foxx then clarified his intention behind the post, explaining that he was referring to being betrayed by a fake friend, rather than making any antisemitic remarks. He emphasized his love and support for the Jewish community and apologized to anyone who was offended.

It is worth noting that Foxx's controversial post received some "likes," with one of them appearing to be from Jennifer Aniston, as shown in a screenshot shared by the Jewish news Instagram account A Wider Frame. However, Aniston swiftly addressed the situation and distanced herself from any support of antisemitism.

Taking to her Instagram Stories, Aniston expressed her disgust with Foxx's post. She wrote, "This really makes me sick. I did not 'like' this post on purpose or by accident. And more importantly, I want to be clear to my friends and anyone hurt by this showing up in their feeds -- I do NOT support any form of antisemitism. And I don't tolerate HATE of any kind. Period."

It is important to note that Foxx's controversial post came after his release from the hospital, where he received treatment for an undisclosed medical ailment. The timing of the post, coupled with its content, intensified the backlash and accusations of antisemitism. However, both Foxx and Aniston have made it clear that they do not support or condone such hateful ideologies.

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