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Dark and Darker Early Access Release on Steam Competitor Chaf Games

Ironmace's PvPvE fantasy game Dark and Darker has been released on indie gaming storefront Chaf Games after being pulled from Steam.

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Ironmace's PvPvE fantasy game, Dark and Darker, has recently been released in early access after being pulled from Steam earlier this year. However, it is not available on Steam but rather on the indie gaming storefront Chaf Games. Additionally, the game can be downloaded from Dark and Darker's official website.

The removal of Dark and Darker from Steam came after the developer received a cease and desist and a DMCA takedown. Despite these legal issues, Ironmace continued to distribute the game on Discord, even holding a playtest in April.

Prior to its removal from Steam, Korean officials conducted a search of Ironmace's offices due to suspicions of stolen game assets and code. Subsequently, Nexon filed a lawsuit against Ironmace for copyright infringement, leading Ironmace to start a GoFundMe campaign to cover their legal fees.

In their recent announcement on Discord, Ironmace acknowledged that they have faced challenges in supporting Dark and Darker in Korea for the early access launch. They explained that they are still awaiting a rating from the Korean Game Rating Board (GRAC), which has prevented them from servicing the game in Korea. However, Ironmace assured players that they are working to expedite this process and have already obtained ratings from other globally recognized game rating boards such as ESRB, PEGI, and CERO. Once they overcome this hurdle, they will officially support and service the game in Korea.

Taylor, a reporter at IGN, provided this update. You can follow her on Twitter @TayNixster.

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