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David Axelrod predicts Ron DeSantis in most jeopardy for upcoming debate

David Axelrod predicts Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is in jeopardy of losing his distinction as Trump's principal challenger in the upcoming Republican primary debate.

The first Republican primary debate is set to take place on Wednesday, and political analyst David Axelrod has shared his expectations for the event. According to Axelrod, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is the candidate who stands to lose the most during the debate. Axelrod appeared on CNN's State of the Union on Sunday to express his concerns about DeSantis's candidacy. He believes that DeSantis's position as an alternative to former President Donald Trump is in jeopardy.

Axelrod explained that DeSantis's campaign has been on a downward trajectory since he entered the race. Now, he faces the risk of losing his status as Trump's main challenger. This situation presents an opportunity for the other candidates on the debate stage to gain an advantage.

DeSantis is currently the frontrunner in the race, trailing only behind Trump. However, Trump has confirmed that he will not be participating in the debate and has refused to pledge his support to the eventual nominee. This decision further complicates DeSantis's position.

Scott Jennings, a former adviser to President George W. Bush and Senator Mitch McConnell, echoed Axelrod's sentiments. He stated that all the candidates on the stage are eager to replace DeSantis as the frontrunner among non-Trump candidates. Axelrod previously predicted that the other candidates would "hammer" DeSantis during the debate.

Axelrod also commented on Trump's absence from the event. He believes that Trump made the right decision not to attend, considering his significant lead in the race. DeSantis recently made a comment implying that Trump's followers were not as enthusiastic as his own supporters, which may have contributed to Trump's decision to skip the debate.

In addition to DeSantis and Trump, the debate will feature several other candidates, including Chris Christie, Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Asa Hutchinson, Will Hurd, Tim Scott, Doug Burgum, Francis Suarez, Larry Elder, Perry Johnson, and Vivek Ramaswamy. DeSantis, Ramaswamy, Burgum, Haley, and Scott have qualified for the debate and have pledged their loyalty to the eventual nominee. Pence, Hutchinson, and Christie have indicated that they will also sign the pledge.

To participate in the debate, candidates must meet certain criteria, including polling at a minimum of 1% and receiving at least 40,000 individual donations to their campaign. The deadline for qualification is Monday.

In conclusion, David Axelrod believes that Ron DeSantis is at the greatest risk during the upcoming Republican primary debate. DeSantis's position as an alternative to Trump is in jeopardy, providing an opportunity for the other candidates to gain ground. Trump's absence from the debate further complicates the dynamics of the race. It remains to be seen how the candidates will perform and how the debate will impact the overall trajectory of the Republican primary.

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