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'Indie JRPG Sea of Stars: Early Reviews Place it Among 2023's Top GOTY Contenders'

Sea of Stars is being hailed as one of the best games of the year, putting it in contention for Game of the Year alongside major titles.

Sea of Stars has garnered immense praise and acclaim, solidifying its position as one of the best JRPGs not only of the year but also of all time. Our review awards this long-awaited game a stellar 4.5 out of 5 stars, and the wider critical reception has been equally effusive. It has swiftly emerged as a strong contender for Game of the Year, standing shoulder to shoulder with industry giants such as The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Baldur's Gate 3.

The game's exceptional performance is evident in its impressive scores on reputable platforms. OpenCritic, a trusted source for game rankings, currently places Sea of Stars at an outstanding score of 95, securing its position as the third-best game of 2023, trailing only behind Baldur's Gate 3 and Tears of the Kingdom. MetaCritic, another esteemed platform, rates the game at 91 on the Nintendo Switch, ranking it 11th for the year. On the PlayStation 5, it holds the 21st spot with a score of 90. In comparison, Sabotage, the developer behind Sea of Stars, achieved critical success with their previous game, The Messenger, which garnered an impressive 86 on both OpenCritic and MetaCritic.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge a few important considerations. Firstly, reviews are still being compiled, and there are numerous noteworthy reviews of Sea of Stars that are yet to be included in OpenCritic's rankings. Many of these reviews hover around the 4 out of 5 range, further attesting to the game's excellence. Additionally, MetaCritic's scores are subject to change, as evidenced by Sea of Stars' fluctuation from a consolidated 91 to an average of 90 across three platform-specific ratings during the writing of this article.

Furthermore, MetaCritic's list of 2023 releases may appear somewhat perplexing, with several entries consisting of DLC or remasters for older games. Sea of Stars itself is available on multiple platforms, resulting in its inclusion in different categories. Notable entries on MetaCritic's 2023 roundup include Metroid Prime Remastered, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition for Xbox Series X, Tetris Effect: Connected for PS5, and multiple versions of Street Fighter 6. There is also the fourth DLC for 2022's Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and titles such as Quake 2 Enhanced Edition and Persona 4 Golden.

One could argue that MetaCritic's list could be streamlined, focusing on standout releases such as Baldur's Gate 3, Tears of the Kingdom, Resident Evil 4, Street Fighter 6, Diablo 4, and Sea of Stars. Nevertheless, irrespective of how one interprets the list, even if we exclude only the oldest ports and obvious duplicates, it is truly remarkable for an indie JRPG like Sea of Stars to find itself in such illustrious company.

In conclusion, Sea of Stars has captivated both critics and players alike, solidifying its position as one of the finest JRPGs ever created. Its exceptional reception, reflected in its stellar reviews and high rankings, firmly establishes it as a strong contender for Game of the Year. With its immersive gameplay and captivating storyline, Sea of Stars has proven its worth among industry giants, showcasing the immense talent and creativity of its developers.

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