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Nicki Minaj Still Feels Horrible About Being Late as Justin Combs' Sweet 16 Date

Nicki Minaj reminisces about attending Diddy's son's Sweet 16 as his date, joking about being late and wondering about his girlfriend.

During a recent Instagram Live session captured by 9MagTV, Nicki Minaj reminisced about attending Justin's Sweet 16 birthday party. Justin, now 29 years old, had greeted Minaj with a simple "Hi" in the comments section of her Live, prompting her to recall their past experience together.

Minaj jokingly asked Justin about her role as his Sweet 16 date, recalling that she had arrived late to the event. She couldn't recall many details about the party but remembered feeling that both Puffy and Misa, Justin's parents, were upset with her for being tardy.

Justin is the son of Diddy, also known as Sean Combs, and fashion designer Misa Hylton. The couple shares a close bond with their son and has been actively involved in his life.

Minaj attributed her lateness to her struggle with finding the perfect outfit for the occasion. She confessed that she despised every dress she had tried on that day, which left her feeling terrible. Despite her wardrobe woes, Minaj expressed her disbelief at the fact that she had accompanied Justin to his Sweet 16 celebration. She fondly recalled Justin's attempts to look charming in the limousine, adding that she had a fantastic time with him. According to Minaj, Justin was not only fun and funny but also incredibly cute.

Curiosity got the better of Minaj as she wondered why Justin had chosen her as his date instead of a potential love interest. She pondered who Justin's girlfriend was at the time and speculated that she must have been quite upset about the situation. Minaj playfully questioned Justin's decision, expressing her surprise that he hadn't taken his girlfriend to such a memorable event.

In conclusion, Minaj's Instagram Live session provided a glimpse into her past experience attending Justin's Sweet 16 birthday party. She recalled the challenges she faced with her wardrobe, her late arrival, and the enjoyable time she had with Justin. Minaj couldn't help but wonder about the girlfriend Justin had at the time and why he had chosen her as his date. This trip down memory lane showcased the close bond between Minaj, Diddy, and their extended family.

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