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Editorial: Prayers and Support for Steve Scalise and His Recovery

Steve Scalise, the House majority leader, has announced that he is being treated for multiple myeloma, a "very treatable blood cancer." He expects a full recovery and plans to continue his work in Congress. Many are sending well wishes and praying for his return to good health.

Living in the world of politics means that even personal health challenges cannot escape public attention. Steve Scalise, the congressman from Jefferson Parish and House majority leader, recently revealed that he is undergoing treatment for multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer that is highly treatable. Despite this setback, Scalise remains optimistic about making a full recovery and continuing his important work as the second-ranking Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Scalise's determination to face this new challenge head-on is not surprising, considering his history as a fighter. In 2017, he survived an attempted assassination when a gunman targeted a group of GOP members of Congress and their aides in suburban Washington. Thanks to the swift action of Capitol Police and local officers, the gunman was apprehended. Additionally, a physician-congressman was present to provide immediate medical assistance. But it was Scalise's own courage and resilience that carried him through multiple surgeries and a long road to recovery.

The triumphant return of Scalise, greeted with applause from every member of the House regardless of party affiliation, served as a reminder that not all human qualities are overshadowed by the toxic politics often associated with his position. U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson of Benton, who is also a member of the Republican Congressional leadership, aptly described Scalise as a "happy warrior," a rare individual who embodies the spirit of Ronald Reagan.

As news of Scalise's health condition spread, well wishes poured in from both Republicans and individuals across the partisan divide. Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards, who has maintained a warm and cooperative relationship with Scalise, expressed confidence in his ability to overcome this challenge. Edwards emphasized Scalise's toughness, faith, and the support of his loving family, highlighting the unity of the entire state behind him.

Once again, Louisianans join the nation in offering their prayers for Scalise's swift recovery and return to good health.

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