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Gary Busey investigated hit-and-run car accident

Actor Gary Busey is being investigated for a car accident on the Pacific Coast Highway, where he allegedly fled the scene.

Actor Gary Busey is currently under investigation for a car accident that occurred on the Malibu stretch of Pacific Coast Highway. According to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Busey was driving his blue Volvo when he collided with another vehicle. The driver of the other car claimed to recognize the actor, but Busey allegedly did not stop after the impact and failed to provide proof of registration or indicate any financial responsibility.

The incident is still under investigation, as authorities look into the collision and the accusation of Busey fleeing the scene. The accident took place on August 30th at around 3:30 p.m. Fox News Digital reached out to Busey's representative for comment, but there has been no immediate response.

This is not the first time Busey has been involved in an accident on this particular highway. In 2015, he hit and slightly injured a woman while backing out of a parking spot in Malibu. However, investigations determined that neither alcohol nor illegal substances were involved in the crash. The injured woman was treated at the scene and later released.

In 1988, Busey was famously involved in another tragic accident, this time on his motorcycle. He was not wearing a helmet when he crashed, resulting in a fractured skull and permanent brain damage. Busey has spoken about this near-death experience, sharing that he passed away after brain surgery and had a spiritual encounter in the "other side."

Despite these challenges, Busey has continued to pursue his acting career. However, his life has not been without controversy. Last summer, he was charged with criminal sexual contact, attempted sexual assault, and harassment in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. The charges were shared by the police department on social media, and the alleged incident took place at the DoubleTree Hotel during the Monster Mania Convention that Busey was attending.

When asked about any regrets regarding the event, Busey stated that he does not carry any regrets with him. He maintains that none of the alleged incidents occurred.

In conclusion, Gary Busey's recent car accident is currently under investigation, adding to the list of incidents he has been involved in throughout his life. Despite facing challenges and controversies, Busey continues to pursue his acting career.

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