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"Avant-Garde Car Designer Chris Bangle Launches Production Company; Debuting 'Arky Arch Adventures' Heading to Mipcom"

Former BMW Chief of Design, Chris Bangle, has launched a production business called Inanimatti Inc, which will debut its first project, Arky Arch Adventures, at Mipcom. The animated TV show, targeted at children aged 6-12, is set in a world where everyday objects come alive. Bangle hopes to encourage children to see the world in a new and imaginative way, while also teaching them the importance of accepting diversity and change.

Avant-garde car designer Chris Bangle, known for his work at BMW, has taken on a new venture in the world of animated TV. Bangle, who now runs his consultancy firm Chris Bangle Associates (CBA) in Italy, has launched Inanimatti Inc, a production company that will make its debut at Mipcom. The company's first project, Arky Arch Adventures, is a 13-episode series targeting children aged 6-12. The show is set in a world called the Inanimatti, where everyday objects come to life. Eric S. Rollman, former executive at Marvel Animation, Saban Entertainment, and Fox Family Productions, is leading the project, which is set to launch in Cannes in October.

Arky Arch Adventures follows the story of Arky, a young Roman arch, as he embarks on a journey across the planet Tredi. Along the way, he discovers his true purpose while saving the world from devastation. Despite being teased by classmates for being different, Arky is a thoughtful, courageous, and resourceful character. His passion leads him to gather friends of all shapes and sizes who join him on his quest.

The aim of the Inanimatti universe, according to Bangle, is to encourage children to see the world around them in a new and imaginative way. Drawing inspiration from the perspective of car designers, who see buildings and objects as alive, the show hopes to foster a deeper appreciation for design and creativity. It also aims to teach children the importance of accepting diversity and embracing change in themselves and others.

Rollman expressed his excitement for Arky Arch Adventures, stating that the show optimizes the medium of animation through its captivating characters, compelling storylines, and entertaining adventures. He also praised the show for delivering meaningful themes in a way that children everywhere can understand and relate to. Rollman believes that Bangle and his team of co-creators have created a concept that is truly groundbreaking in long-form animation.

Bangle's consultancy firm, CBA, was established in 2009. As the Managing Director, he leads a team of marketers, engineers, production technicians, and designers who work with clients in various industries, including luxury goods, home electronics, super yachts, and automotive design.

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