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Martin Short Receives Hollywood Stars' Outpouring of Love Post 'Nasty' Hit Piece

Martin Short receives an outpouring of love after a controversial hit piece calling him "devastatingly unfunny" goes viral.

Martin Short, the beloved actor and comedian, is currently experiencing an overwhelming wave of support and love from fans and fellow celebrities alike. This outpouring of affection comes in response to a controversial hit piece published by Slate titled "Why We Keep Putting Up With Martin Short," which harshly criticized Short's comedic abilities.

In the article, writer Dan Kois describes Short as "devastatingly unfunny" and expresses his personal dissatisfaction with Short's career trajectory. Kois admits to feeling perplexed and disappointed by Short's evolution from a standout in sketch comedy to an uneasy movie star, failed talk-show host, and enthusiastic song-and-dance man. Kois questions Short's choices, wondering why he continues to dress up in silly outfits, make outrageous statements, and mug for the audience.

These claims made by Kois have struck a nerve with fans and supporters of Martin Short. Social media platforms have been flooded with posts defending Short and criticizing the article for its negativity and misguided perspective. As of the time of writing, Short is the number one trending topic on various platforms, including Twitter.

Fans have taken to sharing clips of Short's memorable performances on shows like Saturday Night Live and his cameo appearances in popular sitcoms such as Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development, and Modern Family. They have also shared interviews where Short showcases his comedic brilliance. These posts are accompanied by messages of support and admiration for the actor.

Notable celebrities have also joined the chorus of support for Martin Short. Ben Stiller, a comedic genius in his own right, stated unequivocally, "Martin Short is a comedic genius. End of story." J Smith Cameron, known for her role in Succession, commented on the controversial article, saying that it unintentionally serves as a valentine to Short due to the entertaining nature of the characters he portrays.

Even John Cusack, who may have been unaware of the controversy, expressed his appreciation for Short's talent. Cusack mentioned his favorite Martin Short moment, which involved a Mister Rogers boxing match.

Shortly after the article was published, actor Michael McKean, known for his roles in This is Spinal Tap and Better Call Saul, sarcastically remarked that the writer had truly exposed the entire Martin Short story.

Despite the criticism, Martin Short has continued to thrive in his career. Since 2015, he has embarked on a successful stand-up tour with his longtime collaborator Steve Martin. In 2017, Short's comedy special, which was filmed for Netflix, received four Emmy nominations. Additionally, his recent role in the television series Only Murders in the Building earned him an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series. Throughout his career, Short has been recognized with two Emmy awards and a Tony award.

In conclusion, the backlash against the controversial hit piece about Martin Short has sparked a groundswell of support and love for the actor. Fans and celebrities alike have rallied behind Short, sharing his memorable performances and expressing their admiration for his comedic genius. Despite the criticism, Short's career continues to flourish, with recent accolades and nominations further solidifying his status as a beloved and talented entertainer.

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