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"Arrival of transfer tight end Rivaldo Fairweather for Auburn football"

Auburn football's win over Cal raises questions about their resiliency and SEC play. The offense struggled but made big plays when needed. Rivaldo Fairweather emerged as a key receiver. Eugene Asante shined on defense. The team needs to improve execution and avoid turnovers.

The Auburn football team faced a tough challenge in their game against Cal, with 13 possessions throughout the match. Unfortunately, four of those drives ended in turnovers, either through fumbles or interceptions, and five ended with punts. The offense struggled to gain yards, averaging just 10.7 yards on 3.7 plays in their first 10 series. Despite playing on a smooth surface, the team seemed to be stuck in the mud.

However, the Tigers managed to come through when it mattered most. In the fourth quarter, they put together a 10-play, 69-yard drive that resulted in a touchdown pass to transfer tight end Rivaldo Fairweather. This touchdown gave Auburn the lead, and they held on to secure the win.

This victory raises some important questions for Auburn moving forward. Is their ability to come back and win a sign of resiliency, or is it a cause for concern as they head into SEC play? Additionally, while the defense performed well, earning high marks, what can be said about the offense?

Fairweather had a quiet night for most of the game, but he came up big when it counted. He made a crucial catch on third-and-17 and then scored the game-winning touchdown. His presence in the red zone is invaluable, and he needs to continue to be a key part of the passing attack.

On the defensive side, the Tigers needed someone to step up in the absence of Owen Pappoe and the injury to Austin Keys. Junior Eugene Asante answered the call, recording 12 tackles, two quarterback hits, and a sack against Cal. His tackles often stopped plays for minimal gains, and his sack forced Cal to miss a field goal attempt. Asante's performance in the first couple of games rivals what Pappoe achieved early in the previous season.

Despite the win, Auburn was outgained in total offense by 43 yards, had fewer first downs than Cal, and lost the time-of-possession battle. The turnovers and lack of execution were major factors in their struggles. Every time the offense seemed to gain momentum, they faced setbacks in the form of turnovers or penalties.

Overall, the game was far from perfect for Auburn, but they showed resilience and made the plays they needed to secure the win. The team will need to address their offensive struggles and improve their execution moving forward. With tough SEC competition on the horizon, they will need to continue to make big plays and limit mistakes to find success.

Richard Silva covers Auburn athletics for the Montgomery Advertiser. He can be contacted via email at [email protected] or on Twitter @rich_silva18.

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