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Kevin McCarthy - United States House Speaker Threatened Amid Impeachment Move

US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces threats from the far right despite launching a formal probe of President Joe Biden.

US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is facing a challenging situation within his own caucus, as his position as the top Republican in Congress is being threatened by the far right. Despite McCarthy's efforts to appease hardline conservatives by initiating a formal probe of Democratic President Joe Biden, there is still dissent within the ranks.

McCarthy's decision to launch the investigation was a response to weeks of pressure from hardliners and allies of former President Donald Trump. By doing so, he managed to bypass the opposition of around 20 House Republicans who were against such action, avoiding a potentially failed floor vote.

However, even after this announcement, hardline Representative Matt Gaetz brought up the possibility of removing McCarthy from his position as speaker. According to a deal Gaetz made when McCarthy became speaker, any member has the power to call for a vote to remove him. Gaetz emphasized that McCarthy must either fully comply with the agreement or face potential removal.

As the deadline approaches to avoid a government shutdown on September 1, House hardliners are now pressuring McCarthy to ensure that any short-term spending measure includes border security provisions and other conservative priorities. Gaetz listed several measures that McCarthy has failed to address, such as a balanced budget, term limits, the release of Jan. 6 Capitol attack videotapes, and a subpoena of Hunter Biden.

Representative Chip Roy, who played a role in the negotiations leading to the January agreement with McCarthy, confirmed that the speaker has not followed through on the items mentioned by Gaetz. Roy made it clear that they have not fulfilled their obligations.

Despite these challenges, Roy dismissed questions about McCarthy's future as speaker, emphasizing that the focus should be on achieving hardline spending targets and addressing border security. Representative Clay Higgins also urged caution before considering a motion to oust McCarthy, highlighting the need for reflection.

McCarthy is not only under pressure from hardliners to enact Republican appropriations bills with significant cuts, but also to push for lower spending levels in the Democratic-led Senate. Hardline Republicans are calling on McCarthy to stand strong for the American people and challenge the White House and Senate.

While most hardliners have refrained from openly threatening McCarthy's future, they have made it clear that they would be deeply disappointed if he avoids a government shutdown with the support of House Democrats. Representative Ralph Norman described it as a sad day for the country if McCarthy were to take that route.

In conclusion, McCarthy is facing a fractured caucus and a significant challenge to his position as the top Republican in Congress. The far right is pressuring him to adhere to their demands and deliver on conservative priorities. The coming weeks will be crucial in determining the future of McCarthy's leadership and the direction of the Republican Party.

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