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DOJ Defies House Judiciary Committee - Refuses to Allow FBI Agent to Testify on Hunter Biden Laptop Story - UPDATE: Jim Jordan Subpoenas Agent - Conservative Angle

The Department of Justice blocked FBI agent Elvis Chan from testifying before Congress on his role in suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The Department of Justice has obstructed the testimony of FBI agent Elvis Chan before the House Judiciary Committee, in a move that has raised concerns about Big Tech's involvement in suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 election. The Daily Mail reported that the Department of Justice intervened at the last minute to prevent Chan from testifying before Congress.

The House Judiciary Committee is currently investigating whether social media companies downplayed Hunter Biden's laptop and its contents. Chairman Jim Jordan discovered that FBI agent Elvis Chan, who was involved in the saga, had lied about the computer. Chan had initially agreed to voluntarily appear before the committee and provide testimony with his personal counsel present.

According to the committee, agency witnesses are allowed to bring either agency counsel or personal counsel to committee interviews, but not both. This rule is in place to ensure that agency witnesses can speak more freely without fear of professional consequences. However, sources have revealed that the Department of Justice derailed Chan's testimony by having agency counsel present at the interview.

As a result, Chan's interview did not take place as scheduled. It is expected that an official subpoena will be issued for Chan to appear for a transcribed interview on September 21st. This is not the first time that the Department of Justice has prevented Chan from testifying. In a separate case against the Biden administration, a Louisiana Federal Judge ordered Chan to sit for a deposition.

The Gateway Pundit, along with the states of Missouri and Louisiana, is currently suing the Biden administration, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and other federal agents and agencies for colluding with Big Tech to censor Americans. The FBI had previously sent out Agent Elvis Chan to assure the public that the 2022 midterm election would be the safest yet, despite his involvement in the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

In an update, it has been revealed that Elvis Chan has been subpoenaed. The Department of Justice's refusal to allow Chan to testify before Congress has sparked further controversy, and Jim Jordan has taken action by issuing a subpoena for Chan's appearance. The situation continues to unfold, and the implications of Big Tech's suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story are being closely examined.

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