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Angelica Ross: Emma Roberts Apologizes for Misgendering on "AHS:1984" Set

Actress Angelica Ross accuses Emma Roberts of misgendering her on the set of American Horror Story, prompting Roberts to apologize.

In a social media post, Ross expressed gratitude to Emma Roberts for calling and apologizing, acknowledging that her behavior was not supportive as an ally. Ross also stated that she is open to further communication with Roberts regarding her desire to improve and use her platform to support social justice causes.

The news follows an Instagram Live session on Tuesday, where Ross candidly discussed her negative experiences on the set of American Horror Story. She recounted an incident involving Roberts, where the actress allegedly misgendered her during a confrontation. Ross described the moment when Roberts playfully referred to her as "mean" to director John J. Gray. Gray intervened, asking them to focus on work. Roberts then made a transphobic comment, asking, "Don't you mean lady?" before turning away. Ross admitted that she felt angered by the incident but chose not to speak up at the time due to witnessing others facing repercussions for doing so.

Ross revealed that she avoided interacting with Roberts after the incident, even though they continued filming scenes together. EW has reached out to representatives for Roberts and FX's American Horror Story for comment.

In a follow-up post, Ross shared another alleged incident involving Roberts and Cody Fern, an Australian actor on AHS. She claimed that Roberts mocked her voice by imitating her in a low register. Ross expressed feeling shaken by the experience and self-conscious about her voice on set afterward.

While holding Roberts accountable, Ross urged her followers not to direct violent words toward her. She emphasized the importance of joking about Roberts being held accountable instead.

Ross has been open about her relationship with the AHS world, including sharing emails between her and series creator Ryan Murphy. She claimed that Murphy ghosted her after expressing interest in her idea for a season centered around Black women. Ross also mentioned losing a potential Marvel opportunity due to the lack of communication. She promised to reveal more about her experiences on the production, stating that she has no reservations about sharing evidence.

As of now, Murphy has not publicly addressed Ross' claims.

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