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How Darren Waller and Kelsey Plum Make Marriage Work - Aces Star and NFL Player strive for success together

Giants tight end Darren Waller and Aces guard Kelsey Plum navigate their long-distance marriage while excelling in their respective sports.

Life took an unexpected turn for Giants tight end Darren Waller and Aces guard Kelsey Plum shortly after their wedding on March 4 in Las Vegas. They were overjoyed after their honeymoon but little did they know that Waller would be traded to the Giants just 12 hours later. Despite the sudden change, Waller and Plum have chosen to embrace their situations and focus on the positive. Communication has become crucial for the couple as they navigate their busy schedules in different time zones. They make the most of their time together and rely on FaceTime when they're apart. Waller made an effort to spend as much time as possible with Plum during the offseason, and he continues to support her by attending her games. The couple has faced adversity in their careers, with Waller overcoming addiction issues and Plum recovering from a torn Achilles. They admire each other's resilience and dedication to their craft. Waller is impressed by Plum's work ethic and attention to detail in her training. Their relationship became public knowledge last year when Raiders coach Josh McDaniels and general manager Dave Ziegler accidentally revealed their plans to get married. Despite the attention, Waller and Plum remain focused on their careers and their relationship. Waller is now thriving as a receiving tight end for the Giants, and he has formed a strong bond with quarterback Daniel Jones. He is committed to giving his all on and off the field and representing causes that are important to him.

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