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Who is Christopher Hope? Lil Tay's Father at the Center of Controversy

Lil Tay accuses her father, Christopher Hope, of faking her death and being abusive. She reveals the truth in an Instagram Live session and releases a new song.

Christopher Hope, the father of popular internet personality Lil Tay, has recently been accused by his daughter of faking her death and being abusive towards her. Lil Tay addressed these rumors during an Instagram Live session on September 30, 2023, after a long absence from social media.

In the video, Lil Tay held up a piece of paper with the words "Why I've Been Absent" written on it and proceeded to explain the situation. She claimed that her father declared her dead in order to financially benefit from her assets.

Lil Tay rose to fame in 2018 but suddenly stopped posting on June 19 of that year. A post from her account on August 10 claimed that she had passed away, leaving her fans confused. However, on September 28, 2023, she returned to social media to announce that she is alive and now manages her own account.

Christopher Hope is said to be a Vancouver-based attorney and a member of the property assessment appeal board's tribunal. He has also been involved in a custody dispute with his wife over their child, Lil Tay.

While some sources claim that Hope is an attorney, Lil Tay has disputed this and accused him of collaborating with fraud artists. Pink Villa, on the other hand, states that he is a member of the Vancouver Bar Association's executive committee. Lil Tay also mentioned that her mother had to spend all her assets to fight a lawsuit filed by Christopher Hope, but they ultimately won. She claimed that he owes her $275,000 in child support.

Lil Tay further alleged that her father would bring random women to their residence and even showed a photo of one of his companions. She also mentioned a woman named Hanee Hope, whom she referred to as a scammer and claimed her father is involved with. In addition, she stated that her mother had been abused by Christopher Hope throughout her life.

In addition to revealing the truth about her survival, Lil Tay also released the music video for her new song, "Sucker 4 Green," which features her mother and sibling. The song has received praise from social media users, while Christopher Hope has faced criticism.

Overall, this situation has sparked controversy and shed light on the alleged actions of Christopher Hope, as Lil Tay bravely speaks out about her experiences.

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