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NFL fans troll Josh Allen's bizarre LeBron James audible vs. Jaguars

Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen caught the attention of NBA champion LeBron James with his audible call "LeBron James" during a game. James took to social media to ask what it meant, sparking a response from fans. Despite the unsuccessful play, Allen and James have a mutual admiration for each other.

Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen is renowned for his ability to call audibles during games. When he sees a defensive matchup that he doesn't like, he will change the play to ensure success for his team. However, during a recent game against the Jacksonville Jaguars in London, the Bills struggled offensively.

Towards the end of the first half, with less than two minutes remaining, Allen shouted an audible to his offense. While "alert" is a common audible call, Allen surprised everyone by yelling "LeBron James," catching the attention of the NBA champion himself.

The commentator couldn't help but wonder what the significance of the "LeBron James" audible was. This sparked curiosity among fans, and LeBron James himself took to social media to ask for clarification. However, the responses he received were not in favor of the Buffalo Bills.

Unfortunately, the play following the audible was unsuccessful, resulting in an incomplete pass to Bills player Tre Walker. However, the Bills managed to score a touchdown later in the drive, thanks to star wide receiver Stefon Diggs.

Interestingly, LeBron James has previously expressed his admiration for Josh Allen. Despite his loyalty to Cleveland sports, James has acknowledged Allen's talent and referred to him as a "beast" after a game in 2021. Allen's impressive performance, which included 20 completions, 248 passing yards, and two touchdowns, earned him this praise from the NBA star.

It's worth noting that James has a history with football and has even mentioned that it was his second favorite sport during his younger days. He once contemplated the idea of pursuing a career as an NFL tight end during the NBA lockout in 2011. Although James may not be aware of Allen's use of his name for an audible, it is clear that the quarterback and the NBA champion share a mutual admiration for each other.

In conclusion, Josh Allen's audibles have become a notable aspect of his gameplay, and his recent use of the "LeBron James" audible has sparked curiosity and discussion. Despite the mixed response from fans, it is evident that LeBron James holds respect for Allen's skills on the field. Their mutual admiration adds an interesting dynamic to their respective sports careers.

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