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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announces independent presidential candidacy

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a member of the famous Democratic family, has dropped his primary bid and will run for president as an independent in the 2024 race. Kennedy wants to declare independence from corporations, the media, and the two major political parties.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a well-known environmental lawyer and anti-vaccine activist, has made a surprising announcement. He will be running for president as an independent and dropping his Democratic primary bid. This decision adds an interesting twist to the 2024 race, which is expected to be a rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Kennedy made his announcement from Philadelphia's Independence Mall, a place where America's founding documents were adopted. He spoke about the "rising tide of discontent" in the country and his desire to make a "new Declaration of Independence" from corporations, the media, and the two major political parties.

Kennedy, who comes from one of the most famous Democratic families in politics, was running a long-shot primary bid and actually has better favorability ratings among Republicans than Democrats. However, it remains to be seen whether this GOP support will translate to a general election, especially when Kennedy would also be running against Trump. Both President Biden and Trump's allies have expressed concerns that Kennedy could be a spoiler against their candidate.

In his speech, Kennedy acknowledged that both President Biden and Trump are right in thinking that he could spoil it for both of them. This suggests that he is fully aware of the impact his candidacy could have on the race.

President Biden's allies have dismissed Kennedy's primary campaign as unserious, while the Republican National Committee has published a fact sheet highlighting Kennedy's support for liberal politicians and conspiracy theories. Despite this, Kennedy has a strong following of supporters who see him as a truth teller and a breath of fresh air. Some of these supporters do not identify as Democratic or Republican and are looking for a change in politics.

Kennedy's announcement was met with mixed reactions from his family. Four of his eight surviving siblings released a joint statement denouncing his candidacy, stating that it is dangerous to the country and that he does not share the same values, vision, or judgment as their father.

This announcement comes shortly after progressive activist Cornel West abandoned his Green Party bid in favor of an independent run, and the centrist group No Labels is actively working to secure ballot access for an unnamed candidate.

Kennedy has been critical of the Democratic National Committee, accusing them of "rigging" the primary against him. He has also expressed frustration with the committee's decision not to host debates between President Biden and other candidates and the choice of South Carolina as the leadoff spot on the primary calendar.

While Kennedy has long identified as a Democrat and often references his late father and uncle on the campaign trail, he has built relationships with far-right figures in recent years. This has led to more favorable opinions of him among Republicans than Democrats. However, his anti-vaccine views and lawsuits against news organizations for identifying misinformation have drawn criticism and raised concerns about his credibility.

Overall, Kennedy's decision to run as an independent adds an interesting dynamic to the 2024 race. It remains to be seen how his candidacy will impact the race between President Biden and Trump, but it is clear that he has a strong following of supporters who see him as a different kind of politician.

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