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Biden speech: Selling US on funding Ukraine, Israel wars | Law-Order

President Joe Biden will deliver a prime-time address to rally support for his approach to conflicts in Israel and Ukraine. The speech aims to galvanize public opinion and pressure lawmakers to provide funding for the wars.

President Joe Biden is set to deliver a prime-time address to rally support for his approach to conflicts in Israel and Ukraine. This comes after his Middle East trip was disrupted by a hospital blast in Gaza. The televised remarks are scheduled for 8 p.m. ET on Thursday, and they come at a time when Congress is without a leader in the U.S. House of Representatives, hindering the passage of legislation, including Biden's expected funding requests for the wars.

In his speech, Biden will convey a message of solidarity to the people of Ukraine and Israel, aiming to galvanize public opinion and put pressure on lawmakers who are hesitant to provide billions of dollars in support for ongoing foreign conflicts. The White House has announced that Biden will unveil his additional funding request this week. It is reported that the administration is considering $60 billion for Ukraine and $10 billion for Israel, along with funding for other priorities such as Asian affairs and U.S. border security.

During his visit to Tel Aviv, President Biden pledged $100 million in new funding for humanitarian aid in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. He also expressed his intention to seek unprecedented aid from Congress to bolster Israel's fight against Hamas. The goal of Biden's speech is not only to address the conflicts in Israel and Ukraine but also to emphasize the connection between these conflicts and the lives of the American people. The support of the American people and Congress is deemed essential in this regard, according to U.S. deputy national security adviser Jon Finer.

However, any funding measure must pass both the Senate and the House. Currently, the House has been without a leader for 17 days. Conservative Jim Jordan, an ally of former President Donald Trump, announced on Thursday that he will suspend his bid to serve as speaker and instead support Republican Patrick McHenry to temporarily fill the role. The House Republicans are also divided on whether to back more aid, with some far-right conservatives particularly opposed to providing funds for Ukraine. The potential elevation of McHenry could potentially facilitate the resumption of work in Congress and pave the way for some of Biden's spending plans.

Recent polls indicate that a significant proportion of Americans support Israel's position and believe that the U.S. should provide weapons to Ukraine. Biden returned from his Israel trip following the Hamas attack on Israeli villages and military bases on October 7. His planned meetings with the Egyptian and Palestinian leaders in Jordan were canceled due to the Gaza hospital explosion. Biden's warning that humanitarian aid should not be misappropriated for use by Hamas was echoed by U.S. official Jon Finer, who stated that aid was expected to enter Gaza within the next day or so.

In addition, the U.S. Navy has announced that the Mount Whitney, a sophisticated command, control, communication, and intelligence ship, is en route to the eastern Mediterranean to join other U.S. warships already stationed there. The Department of Defense has also informed Congress that it intends to send its two Iron Dome missile defense systems back to Israel as part of a leaseback deal. This transfer could occur within days.

In conclusion, President Biden's prime-time address aims to garner support for his approach to conflicts in Israel and Ukraine. The speech comes at a crucial time when Congress is facing leadership challenges and funding requests for the wars are pending. Biden's message of solidarity and the importance of public opinion and congressional support will be highlighted, along with his plans for additional funding. The situation in the region remains complex, with divisions among lawmakers and ongoing concerns about the allocation of aid. However, efforts are being made to address these challenges and provide support to those affected by the conflicts.

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